Tuesday, February 01, 2011

APAH Slide List Quiz Week 2/1/11

You are responsible to know the information on the images below, including the time period they were created in. Quizzes will be graded on complete accuracy of information.

1. Lornezo Ghiberti, Sacrifice of Isaac, competition panel, Baptistery Doors, Florence, 1401-02
2. Filippo Brunelleschi, Sacrifice of Isaac, competition panel, Baptistery Doors, Florence, 1401-02
3. Donatello, Saint Mark, (patron – guild of linen drapers), Or San Michele, Florence, 1411-1413
4. Gentile da Fabriano, Adoration of the Magi, (patron - Palla Strozzi), Florence, 1423
5. Masaccio, Tribute Money, Brancacci Chapel, Florence, 1427
6. Masaccio, Holy Trinity, Santa Maria Novella, Florence, 1428
7. Donatello, David, (patron – Medici family),1420-1450
8. Sandro Botticelli, Birth of Venus, (patron – Medici family), Florence, 1482
9. Leon Battista Alberti, Palazzo Rucellai, Florence, 1452-1470
10. Andrea Mantegna, Camera degli Sposi, Palazzo Ducale, Mantua, 1474

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