Sunday, August 21, 2011

Art 3 Drawing/Painting Syllabus 2011 - 2012

Art 3 Drawing/Painting - 2011 - 2012

Course Objectives:
Every student in this class has the desire to create. If you did not, you wouldn’t be here. You are here to study art, both what it is and why you have the need to create it. How you do that will depend on your individual response to the world around you. Drawing/Painting 3 is also the year to begin developing an AP Portfolio and every assignment is geared towards that goal. We learn from what came before us, therefore the history of art will be incorporated into this course of study. Student and professional art will be critiqued on a regular basis with an emphasis on the elements of art and principles of design – the guiding force behind every piece of art.

Life Drawing/Painting:
Students will investigate life through drawing – the art of observation. Activities will include perspective review through observation of one and two point, self-portraits, working from live models, still life plein aire and the study of masters. Materials will be any drawing medium including but not exclusive to charcoal, conte, pastel, pencil and ink with wash.

Environment and Landscape:
This often maligned subject is not just what is seen from outside a window. It is both a response to the environment and what you see internally. Students will study landscape from both a traditional and conceptual perspective and drawing on site. Exploration of the subject will be a study of pastel instruction.

Art Symbols, Advertising and Graphics:
Symbols play an important role in society. We will be exploring the meaning, function, nature and power of them and discovering the difference between art and advertising. Assignments will demonstrate the persuasiveness of illustration and the business side of art in the world of advertising. Development of campaigns and products in use today will be the final assignment.

Students will begin the study of paint through use of tempera and acrylic. Work will be based on observation and still life setups. Live models will be incorporated with a final project of painting from the human body. Emphasis will be on color theory, technique, surface treatment, painting with and without a brush and developing an individual style.

Art History:
Art history is as important to what you know as it is to what you create. Every six weeks we will be studying a major component in the history of art through slides and lectures. You will be asked to create a presentation of one art movement or artist you find particularly compelling and put together a visual presentation including not only a sampling of the movement/artist’s work but how it influenced the direction of art today.

Sketchbooks are required and are a major portion of student grades. This is an advanced class and there is a higher expectation of the quality and creativity of work. The time spent on projects is significantly more than what was expected in Art 1 or 2. Students must acquire, create or purchase a sketchbook as a record of REGULAR creative thinking outside the classroom. Students will also be expected to visit an art museum, gallery, art opening or art lecture of their choice every quarter. The visit must be summarized in-depth with specific work sketched and discussed. Sketchbook homework may be assigned from time to time.

Sketchbook Assignments:
Sketchbooks need to reflect:
Date and reflections on each entry.
Quality work (no pencil sharpeners, wall clocks from last class, etc.) I actually DO know the difference between 5 minutes of time spent and 25 minutes.
Work done outside of class.
The Assignments:
Assignment 1: Five things I Love About YouDEPICT OBJECTS YOU LOVE. EACH WEEK, CREATE A STRONG COMPOSITION UTILIZING INTERESTING IMAGERY. AT THE END OF THE SIX WEEKS, YOUR SKETCHBOOKS SHOULD REPRESENT AN OVERALL VIEW OF WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU LOVE.Week 1Create a drawing that uses expressive line. Be bold. Work the piece until it has a free, but finished look.Week 2Create a drawing that utilizes strong contour line and color. Create a center of interest.Week 3Create a drawing that utilizes strong contrast. Use media of choice.Week 4Create a drawing that utilizes repetition to achieve rhythm. Think creatively.Week 5Create a drawing that utilizes mixed media. Do not overwhelm the drawing. Be graceful with your media and allow it to direct you to the drawing.COLOR, FOOD, CLOTHS, MUSIC, PATTERNS, CHILDHOOD MEMORIES, FRIENDS, CHAIRS, OUTDOORS, BOOKS, CLASSES, HATS, SHOES, FAMILY, CUPS, CLOSET, ROOM, UTILITARIAN OBJECTS, PRESENTS, SUPPLIES, GLASSES, ARTISTS, THINK, THINK, THINK, THINK, THINK, THINK, THINK, THINK, THINK.
Assignment 2: Reflective SurfacesDEPICT OBJECTS THAT HAVE REFLECTIVE SURFACES. CREATE A STRONG COMPOSITION UTILIZING INTERESTING IMAGERY. AT THE END OF THE SIX WEEKS, YOUR SKETCHBOOKS SHOULD REPRESENT A VARIETY OF INTERESTING AND CREATIVE SURFACES.Week 1Create a drawing that uses expressive line. Be bold. Work piece until it has a free, but finished look.Week 2Create a drawing that utilizes strong contour line and color. Create a center of interest.Week 3Create a drawing that utilizes strong contrast. Use media of choice.Week 4Create a drawing that utilizes repetition to achieve rhythm. Think creatively.Week 5Create a drawing that utilizes mixed media. Do not overwhelm the drawing. Be graceful with your media and allow it to direct you to the drawing.All objects must be from life. BE CREATIVE WITH YOUR SURFACES AND THE REFLECTIONS THAT ARE CREATED.
Assignment 3: Do you Dream in Color?DEPICT OBJECTS THAT DEAL WITH COLOR. EACH WEEK CREATE A STRONG COMPOSITION UTILIZING INTERESTING IMAGERY. AT THE END OF THE SIX WEEKS, YOUR SKETCHBOOKS SHOULD REPRESENT AN OVERALL DIVERSITY OF COLOR AND ITS USE IN ARTISTIC COMPOSITION.Week 1Create a drawing that uses expressive line AND COLOR. Be bold. Work piece until it has a free, but finished look. FOCUS ON INFORMAL BALANCEWeek 2Create a drawing that utilizes strong contour line AND COLOR. Create a center of interest. FOCUS ON VISUAL MOVEMENTWeek 3Create a drawing that utilizes strong contrast AND COLOR. Use media of choice. FOCUS ON VALUEWeek 4Create a drawing that utilizes repetition to achieve rhythm WITH COLOR. Think creatviely. FOCUS ON MOTIF AND PATTERNWeek 5Create a drawing that utilizes mixed media AND STONG USE OF COLOR. Do not overwhelm the drawing. Be graceful with your media and allow it to direct you to the drawing. FOCUS ON SURFACE TEXTUREALL DESIGNS SHOULD BE NONO-OBJECTIVE, ABSTRACTED FROM LIFE, OR FROM LIFE. DO NOT USE 2D IMAGES. PUSH COLOR, AVOID TRADITIONAL COLOR SCHEMES. DRAW WHAT YOU ENJOY, BUT THINK OUTSIDE OF WHAT TRADITIONAL BEAUTY IS. WORK TO CREATE BEAUTY IN THE UNAPPARENT.
Assignment 4: Figure DrawingWeek 1An easy way to learn to draw the full figure is by drawing the figure from a back view. Drawing a figure from the back minimizes details, stresses shape and contour, and eliminates the face. To make your composition interesting and exciting, emphasize an element or principle of design.Week 2Draw a person’s head and face using exaggeration to communicate emotion. Work from a live model. First use a pencil to make a general drawing. Note the shapes and planes of the face and how they fit together. Then continue over the drawing with a darker media. Utilize strong contrast to greatly exaggerate the areas you want to emphasize. Work from a live model and do not use a front or side view.Week 3Create a drawing of a small group of people. Utilize your skills in design to emphasize the negative space between them. Be creative when dealing with line and shape. Draw from life.Week 4Create a mixed media collage and then use figure drawing to add line, value, and color. Make sure the media does not overwhelm the drawing. Focus on strong weighted line, value, and contrast to pop the image. Draw from life.Week 5Use a brush and coffee to create a simplistic drawing of shadows (Do not work too wet or the paper will wrinkle). Once dry, come back in and emphasize line, shape and value with a dark contrasting media. Push darkness in the back in an exaggerated way to push the figure forward. Be expressive and work from life.Spend a minimum of 1 hour on each drawing.
Assignment 5: The Power of Themes: A Diary of ShoesWeek 1Look at the historical relevance of shoes. Think about their uses during a variety of time periods. Select a time period and create a drawing of shoes that reflects that time period. Examples: Roaring 20’s, Civil War. Draw from life and use the full composition.Week 2Look at the differences in gender. How are how their shoes are different. Create a drawing using a man’s and a woman’s shoe. Create an interesting design using repetition. Work from life.Week 3Select an artist that appeals to you. Create a shoe that would belong to this artist. Begin drawing from life and then go wild. Use your creativity. Example: Picasso, bright colors, wacky laces or Van Gogh, Subtle colors, pattern in swirls. Create an interesting composition.Week 4Create a mixed media collage and then use a shoe from an unusual point of view to add line, value, and color. Make sure the media does not overwhelm the drawing. Focus on strong weighted line, value, and contrast to pop the image. Draw from life.Week 5Use a brush and coffee to create a simplistic drawing of a pile of shoes (Do not work too wet or the paper will wrinkle). Once dry, come back in and emphasize line, shape and value with a dark contrasting media. Use darkness in the back in an exaggerated way to push the focal point forward. Be expressive and work from life.Spend a minimum of 1 hour on each drawing.
Assignment 6: Interiors and EnvironmentsFocus on line and design within your compositions. Refer to the principles of design: rhythm, movement, unity, variety, etc, to enhance your images.Week 1Create a drawing of the interior of your bathroom. Focus on angles and lines. Use modified contour line and focus on composition.Week 2Create a drawing of the interior of your kitchen. Utilize a full range of value 1-10. Be creative with your mark making. Expressive.Week 3Create an interior drawing of your bedroom. Include yourself in the image somewhere. Focus on composition.Week 4Create a drawing looking down a hallway. Use color to extend the mood. Focus on some small in this space and make it spectacular.Week 5Create a drawing of an unusual interior. Read the definition of interior and work from that. Be creative.ALL INTERIORS SHOULD BE DONE FROM LIFE. DO NOT USE PHOTOGRAPHS.
Assignment 7: Four Slides and a Partridge in a Pear TreeEach week you will take a slide and create a small work of art out of it. Each slide should fit a theme that you have selected. Choose a theme that is interesting and could be well illustrated in a small area.Consider the following:
How can I use media in an interesting way?
Will my theme and style promote unity?
How could my slides be deconstructed in an interesting way?
Is my craftsmanship strong?
Are my designs compelling and strong?
Within the slide you will have to create a small work of art that would emphasize the theme, you would work directly on the foam core or on a small piece of paper of your choice.When you have completed 5 slides, you will then mount them onto a piece of black foam core. You should mount them in an interesting and unique way.
Assignment 8: Objective: ObjectsWeek 1Draw a person holding an object. Be creative with the object they are holding. Use contour line and make the object the focal point. Use modified contour line.Week 2Create a drawing of your favorite object in your room. Place it in your favorite spot inside of your house. Use contour line and focus on composition.Week 3Create a drawing of the messiest section of your room. Think about composition and balance. Make sure you have a focal point. Use modified contour line.Week 4Select an object from life. Create a contour drawing of the object and put it in an abstract setting. Be creative and focus on composition.Week 5Draw a chair. Repeat the drawing to create an interesting composition. Use modified contour line. When you are done use a sharpie marker to create an design using positive and negative space.
Assignment 9: Around the HouseWeek 1Subject: Breakfast. Still life of a breakfast setting Example: bowl, spoon, cereal, etc. Work large, go off the page. Focus on CompositionWeek 2Subject: Art Supplies. Still life of art supplies. Example: Pencil, crayons, scissors. USE MODIFIED CONTOUR ONLY. Work large, go off the page. Focus on CompositionWeek 3Subject: Interior. Select an interior from an unusual point of view. Example: Corner, hallway, child’s view. Focus on CompositionWeek4Subject: Candy. Create a still life using penny candy. Example: Peppermint, bubblegum, suckers, etc.. USE MODIFIED CONTOUR ONLY. Work large, go of the page, Focus on compositionWeek 5Subject: Messiest Drawer in the House. Remove the drawer and draw from a birds eye view. Enlarge objects and go of the page. CREATE A FOCAL POINT WITH ONE OBJECTSpend a minimum of 45 minutes on each assignment.

Grades will be based on the following criteria:
Quality, quantity and creativity of projects as well as process and progress: 70%
Sketchbooks: 15%
Critiques/Art History: 15%
Extra Credit is not offered. Students may redo work, dependent on circumstances (work was completed in a timely manner and effort put in) for a better grade on anything other than tests and quizzes.
Late work:
Excused absence – 2 days for completion, no point loss
Unexcused absence – 1 day for completion with point reduction equal to 20% of grade

Art Shows and Displays:
Student work will be displayed in the community and District Office and in competitions including VASE and Scholastic Art.

Expectations and Fees:
Respect, respect, respect - for yourself, your instructors and the materials. All advanced art students are responsible for the care and acquisition of their own materials. The art fee requested is a donation that makes the buying of professional materials possible. If you choose to not make the donation, you will be responsible for supplying your own materials throughout the year.
The art fee for 2011 – 2012 is $45.00, due September 2nd, made payable to the Bowie Art Department.

Bowie High School is committed to maintaining an atmosphere in which students develop the desire to learn by working in partnership with parents, staff and community.

In order to meet this commitment, every student must be respectful of other students, of the staff and, therefore, of himself. The following rules are intended to help us all be respectful:
1. Use appropriate language. Swearing is not acceptable.
2. Be courteous to everyone. Bullying, harassing and hurtful remarks are not
3. Be attentive to the teacher and other students. Cell phones, head sets, electronic
games and other distractions are to be turned off and put away unless you are given
specific permission to use them.
4. Be on time and come with your materials. Tardiness and absence can effect your
grade. Be here and be ready to learn.
5. Dress appropriately for school. If your attire is inappropriate (i.e., distracting to
the learning process) you will be asked to change it.
6. Eating and drinking in class is a distraction for you and for other students. No food
or drinks, other than water, are permitted in the classroom.

Student Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Signature

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