Friday, August 20, 2010

Art 1 Advanced 2010 - 2011

Art 1 Advanced 2010 - 2011

Students will work collaboratively both in and out of class. They will be required to read and write about art, sketch, examine the meanings, aesthetics and intent of art and learn how to critique their own and other’s work. This study will include world art as well as local through various units and activities such as museum visits, research, demonstrations, group work and media shows. Art from various cultural and geographical viewpoints will be discussed and observed in many of the assignments.

Assignment Areas:
· Drawing – How to “see” and how to draw. Beginning with a series of one or two day assignments designed to develop drawing skills students will start the process of learning to draw. Techniques will include analog drawing, illustrating feelings, ideas and thoughts rather than things), upside-down drawing, positive/negative space, contour drawing, shading, enlarging using grids and perspective. Study of the Elements of Art is the basis of this unit.
· Pen and Ink – Various inking techniques will be studied such as hatch, crosshatch, stipple, sketching and cartooning. Students will ink from photographs and still life studies. The final illustration will be the student’s choice with a “Texas” theme rendered in ink.
· Color Theory – Basic color theory, including color relationships, value, color mixing and matching and various painting techniques such as Impressionistic pointillism will be taught. Media technology and color experiments will be integrated into the unit.
· Painting – This is the culminating assignment in which students choose a masterpiece and using their learned skills, copy the artist’s style, color match and problem-solve the techniques used. Students learn under-painting and graduated color.
· Design and Composition – This is an introduction to the Principles of Design. Students are given several short assignments dealing with classic design concepts. Use of a viewfinder, cropping, division of space and placement of elements are the main concepts. Projects include designing from life, collaging and working with foreground/background and positive/negative space.
· Linoleum – Students will design block illustrations with awareness to strong foreground/background. Images will be carved into linoleum blocks and various printing techniques used to create a final piece. Problem solving through mixed media is encouraged.
· Portrait Drawing – A study of human anatomy, in particular the human face, will be the focus of this unit. Proportion, shading and use of various materials including pencil, charcoal and pastels will be taught. The final project is a pastel self-portrait.
· Ceramic Sculpture – An introduction to clay with hand-building techniques will be studied. Coil, slab and pinch techniques will be studied. Technology works together with research of ancient artifacts for the creation of a final ceramic piece. A creative artifact report is required with the final project.
· Art History – Artist of the Week: Every week throughout the year a famous artist or movement will be studied, beginning with the Prehistoric time period and culminating in Modern Art, present day. Students learn to understand art through the history of artists and the society they lived in. Emphasis is on critiquing art through a historian’s eyes. Quarterly exams will be given.
· Journals – Individual journals will be kept with daily facts posted. Student response and insight to artistic problems is discussed for a more in-depth look at art.

Grades will be based on the following:
Quality, quantity and creativity of projects as well as process and progress: 60%
Art history notes and daily journal and sketchbooks: 15%
Quizzes, tests and final exams: 25%
Extra Credit is not offered. Students may redo work, dependent on circumstances (work was completed in a timely manner and effort put in) for a better grade on anything other than tests and quizzes.
Late work:
Excused absence – 2 days for completion, no point loss
Unexcused absence – 1 day for completion with point reduction equal to 20% of grade
Many of the projects are given “process” credit – awarded points based on correct technique and progress, giving students a chance to learn use of the materials before creating a final, graded project.


While homework is rarely assigned, many students may need to work on projects at home to keep up with the pace of the class. Students who are more meticulous often need added time at home as well. Time spent may be 0 – 3 hours per week.

Local artists will speak and work in the classroom with students depending on grant monies and volunteers. Artwork is displayed in every available venue: the school library, district office and an end of the year show through AISD. Students are required to keep a portfolio of their completed work.

Classroom Expectations:
Respect, respect, respect. Respect is the key concept in the art department. Respect for the students themselves, for the instructor and for the materials and equipment. In-class behavior should be in accordance with the school policy and art department rules are posted in all classes. Tardies and unexcused absences CAN affect grades.

Fees & Materials:
All art students are responsible for the care and acquisition of their own materials. The art fee requested is a donation that makes the buying of professional materials possible. If you choose to not make the donation, you will be responsible for supplying your own materials throughout the year. The art fee for 2010 – 2011 is $20.00 made payable to the Bowie Art Department, due September 4th.

Along with the art fee students are required to have a three-ring binder with lined paper with three dividers for daily journal entries and art history. This binder will be left in the art room at all times.

Sketchbooks are required and are a major portion of student grades. This is an advanced class and there is a higher expectation of the quality and creativity of work. Students must acquire, create or purchase a sketchbook as a record of REGULAR creative thinking outside the classroom. Sketchbook homework will be assigned every week.

Sketchbook Assignments:
Students will be given 30 “assignments” on a sticker sheet that may be done in any order. Each sticker used must be attached to the back of the sketchbook page(s) used.
Date your entries.
Subject matter is your choice based on each assignment selected.
Quality work is expected. The amount of effort you display is very obvious.
Sketchbook work is to be done outside of class.

Bowie High School is committed to maintaining an atmosphere in which students develop the desire to learn by working in partnership with parents, staff and community.

In order to meet this commitment, every student must be respectful of other students, of the staff and, therefore, of himself. The following rules are intended to help us all be respectful:
1. Use appropriate language. Swearing is not acceptable.
2. Be courteous to everyone. Bullying, harassing and hurtful remarks are not acceptable.
3. Be attentive to the teacher and other students. Cell phones, head sets, electronic games and other distractions are to be turned off and put
away unless you are given specific permission to use them.
4. Be on time and come with your materials. Tardiness and absence can effect your grade. Be here and be ready to learn.
5. Dress appropriately for school. If your attire is inappropriate (i.e., distracting to the learning process) you will be asked to change it.
6. Eating and drinking in class is a distraction for you and for other students. No food or drinks are permitted in the classroom.

Student Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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