Monday, September 27, 2010

APAH Quiz 5 Week 9/27/10

You are responsible to know the information on the images below, including the time period they were created in. Quizzes will be graded on complete accuracy of information.

1. Hercules and centaur, 750-730 BCE
2. Mantiklos Apollo, Thebes, Greece, 700-680 BCE
3. Lady of Auxerre, limestone kore, 650-625 BCE
4. Calf Bearer, dedicated by Rhonbos on the Acropolis, Athens, Greece, 560 BCE
5. Kroisos, Anavysos, Greece, 530 BCE
6. West pediment, Temple of Artemis, Corfu, Greece, 600-580 BCE
7. Dying warriors, west/east pediments, Temple of Aphaia, 500-490, 490-480 BCE
8. Kritios Boy, Acropolis, Athens, Greece 480 BCE
9. Charioteer, Sanctuary of Apollo, Delphi, Greece, 470 BCE
10. Diskobolos, Myron, bronze original 450 BCE
11. Doryphoros, Polykleitos, bronze original 450-440 BCE

Period created:

1._______________________________________ 2._______________________________________ 3._______________________________________ 4._______________________________________ 5._______________________________________ 6._______________________________________ 7._______________________________________ 8._______________________________________ 9._______________________________________ 10.______________________________________

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