Saturday, October 17, 2009

APAH Greek Architecture Quiz for Haleigh

1. The Hellenistic sculptural group Michelangelo revealed was beyond his ability: _____________________________
2. In relief sculpture, the term used when all heads are kept at the same level to preserve unity of design: _________________________
3. An architectural term for a round temple is: __________________
4. The names for the “end” spaces of a Greek temple: ________________and_________________________
5. The name of the patron in charge of the Parthenon’s architectural programs:________________
6. In a Greek temple, the architectural term used to describe the outward swelling of the column shafts as they rise and then taper: ______________________________________
7. Complete the following regarding the buildings on the Acropolis constructed during the Classical period:
Name of Building Date/Order Function
8. List the four sculpture programs of the Parthenon and their subject matter:
9. The name of the most Hellenistic architectural and sculptural (combination) monument: ______________________________. Its patron: ______________________________________
10. Label the parts of this Greek temple:

a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
d. _________________________
e. ______________________________________

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